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Prize awarded to winning village website

Helmdon in Northants has won further praise for its website in a regional competition tackling competition from five other counties.

The village has taken the regional Calor Village of the Year title for Information Communications Technology.

Gardening broadcaster Alan Titchmarsh announced the awards on Tuesday, December 6, at a ceremony in London.

He presented the trophy and a cash prize of £500 to Helmdon webmaster Danny Moody and website editor Audrey Forgham.

"We had no idea we would win, we thought it would be just a good day out to London. We were amazed when Helmdon's name was called out," said Mr Moody.

"We hope the prize money will be spent on improving access to technology for everyone in the village, but particularly for the elderly.

"For those living alone a computer can be a real lifeline to friends and family."

Judges said that Helmdon's was a demonstration of the way a community website should be built.

Villages across Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, Rutland, Staffordshire and Warwickshire were also considered.

Titchmarsh said "The competition highlights the very best of village life, encouraging villagers to work together to the benefit of all residents.

"More importantly, it provides a forum for communities to share best practice and encourages them to address any problems or opportunities that become apparent following their involvement in the competition."

The website can be viewed at www.helmdon.com.

The Brackley Post - 9th December 2005

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